Supporting Family Caregivers.
Helping you navigate Alzheimer's care
No matter where you are on your caregiver journey, Ylious is here to support and advocate for you. From reducing your stress to finding resources, our patent-pending technology is designed to support you.

If you're a friend or family caregiver, we would love to invite you to our beta program where you will get early access to our support community and our patent-pending wearable sensors.

It's not business, it's personal.

As the child of someone with Dementia, I understand the challenges of caring for a loved one. Our team has been working hard to create products and services that support myself and my family, and we want to share them with you.
Jonthan Thomas
CMO at Ylious

Explore the benefits of our beta program.

The first 25 video interviews will receive our core product for free!

Invite to our free resource center
Early access to Ylious technology
And much more as we grow